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"See to it, my sons, that you never abandon this place.  

If you are driven out from one side, go back in at the other.  For this place is truly holy and is the dwelling place of God."

St. Francis of Assisi on the Portiuncula

"This is the Rule and Life of the Friars Minor, namely: to observe the holy Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ by living in obedience, without  property, and in chastity." (Rule, Chapter I.)


 Marian Franciscans

a traditional form of Franciscan life.

An evangelical life of prayer, poverty, penance 

This is the Rule and Life of the Friars Minor, namely: to observe the holy Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.

"What ever you did to the least of  my brethren, you did it to me"

He embraced the Mother of Our Lord Jesus with indescribable love because, as he said, it was she who made the Lord of Majesty our brother, and through her we found mercy. After Christ, he put all his trust in her and took her as his patroness for himself and his Friars. (Bonaventure, Major Life Chap. IX)

Our life, must be an extension on this earth of Jesus' life by means of Mary."

St. Maximilian Mary Kolbe




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